Does it hurt?
Most clients experience no discomfort. Many describe the sensation similiar to having a hot stone massage. No local anesthesia or pain killer is required and you will be able to resume regular activities immediately. .
How long the treatment takes?
The treatment time can vary based on the area. The upper lip takes only 5 minutes while the back or legs can take up to 30-40 min
How many treatments are required?
The laser works by disabling hair in the active growth stage (anagen) at the time of treatment. Because not all hairs are in this stage during treatment, additional treatments will be necessary to disable all the hair follicles in the area being treated. Treatments are usually given at intervals of 4 weeks, or when new hair growth is noticed. In general, the average patient will require 4-6 treatments.
What should I do before my treatment?
Before your treatment, do not wax, use depilatory cream or have electrolysis for 3 weeks. You may shave but leave a 3-day stubble for your visit. This allows us to view the exact area that you wish to have hair removed. Use a sunscreen with 30 SPF to block sun and avoid tanning beds for at least 2 weeks before your treatment, or until your scheduled treatment date.
What happens to the skin after treatment?
Within about 30 minutes of treatment, the area may become pink or red. Some people describe it as mild sunburn. This reaction usually subsides within a day. Because the laser does not damage the skin, no bandages are necessary.
What should I do after I am treated?
After your treatment, you can return to your normal activities. The treated areas should be handled with care after treatment. Avoid: Retin-A, alphahydroxy acids, glycolic acids, astringents. You may clean the area using mild soap and water. You should avoid tanning and use a sunscreen on any treated areas exposed to the sun.
What should I expect?
Around 2-3 weeks after treatment hairs will begin to surface. Most of these hairs were treated and are "falling out", it is not regrowth. The hair follicles need to purge the hairs that remained under the skin. Please refrain from waxing, plucking, or bleaching between treatments (shaving is okay).
What if I have grey or blonde hair?
The laser light energy passes harmlessly through the skin, but is absorbed by the pigment in the hair follicle and hair shaft. By absorbing this laser energy, the hair follicles are disabled, impairing their ability to grow. Colorless hair (grey, blonde or "peach fuzz") contain little or no pigment therefore the laser has no target (pigment), and therefore is not effective for blonde or grey colored hair.